Solicitor will apply for the so-called Searches. They will include, among others:
Local authority search – plany zagospodarowania przestrzennego oraz mapki obszaru w obrębie naszego domu z wyszczególnieniem okolicznych dróg, odległości od metra czy stacji kolejowych itp.
Drainage and Water search – informacje na temat dostępu do wody oraz kanalizacji
Environmental search – informacje o zanieczyszczeniu obszaru oraz potencjalnych zagrożeniach.
Oraz inne w zależności od transakcji.
Additional enquires may be raised if any information is missing or has not been fully addressed.
When the solicitor completes his checks and receives answers to all enquires, he is ready to report to the lender and subsequently steer transaction towards exchange of contract.
At this point, we should be sent a final statement, which will detail all fees including tax, deposit, and legal expenses. It is worth mentioning, that large sums of money should be transferred via CHAPS transfer which is quicker and more secured that standard bank transfer.